
Offers are digital coupons designed to create urgency and engage your audience. Use them to capture more opt-ins, convert leads to customers, generate repeat sales and increase purchase amounts.

Stop sending static, untrackable coupons and immediately get the benefits of our dynamically created Offers. Track redemptions, eliminate unauthorized usage, create flexible effective dates and turn on Actions based on Offer activity.

Engage Your Audience!

Flexible Effective Dates feature icon

Flexible Effective Dates

Choose from a variety of options for every situation. Offers are typically used to capture new leads, entice people to come back to your business and reward loyal customers.

But why give a discount to a lead today when they are already making a purchase? Instead, choose tomorrow as the effective date for your Offer to tempt them to come back.

  • checkCustom effective dates
  • checkValid on birth day, week or month
  • checkLimit by day and time
  • checkChoose the number of redemptions allowed
Powerful Actions feature icon

Powerful Actions

In addition to sending Offers, you can add Actions that trigger based on when an Offer is awarded, redeemed or expires.

Actions can update a Contact, deliver an SMS or Email Notification to your staff, transfer a Contact to an Automation Sequence and more.

  • checkTrigger on Offer Award, Redemption or Expiration
  • checkUpdate Contacts with Lists, Interests, Tags and more
  • checkSend to an Automation Sequence
  • checkDeliver Notifications by SMS or Email
Activity Timeline feature icon

Activity Timeline

Understanding your best customers is critical to success. We’ll show you which Contacts redeem offers and which ones let them expire. Our Timeline gives you the tools to dig into Offer activity with ease.

  • checkView all Offer Activity
  • checkSee who received your Offer
  • checkView when Offers are redeemed
  • checkCheck out when Offers expire
  • checkFilter by Date, Activity or Source
Build High Converting Offers with Ease feature icon

Build High Converting Offers with Ease

Create powerful and intelligent Automation Sequences with Conditional Starts and Stops, Email and Text Communication, Actions, Delays and Branching.

Easy-to-Use Builder

Build your Offer from scratch or upload a single Image.

Create Urgency

Set your Offer effective dates for today, next day, by birthday, while supplies last and more.

Scan a Bar Code

Want to capture Offer redemptions in your POS system? Add a bar code to make scanning easy.

Take Action

Update Contacts, Send Notifications, Transfer to Automation Sequences and more.

Market like the pros. Try now with no credit card required.

See What Others Are Saying

I was speaking at a convention with 16,000 attendees and had people signing up while I was changer.

Conni Ponturo

Absolute Pilates Upstairs

Switching to MindMe from a leading email only program gave us so many more options to connect with patients. Their combination of email, text messaging, landing pages and marketing automation is a game changer!

Dr. Marylee Mundell

Pediatric Care Group, P.C.

When we needed a proven way to get more walk-in and repeat business, we turned to MindMe. We began promoting our e-club using their easy-to-use mobile marketing solution and the results came pouring in!

Andy Nannoshi

Uncle Andy’s Pizza

Creating e-newsletters with MindMe is easy with drag and drop tools. I can embed social media links, logos and promotions to catch each visitor’s attention. Everything is mobile friendly!

Tilly Wright

Content & SEO Ninja

An amazing all-in-one marketing solution! We’ve seen huge growth in our business. The ROI has been strong. We can generate lots of new leads off of a single campaign.

Dr. Scott Hernberg

Tomorrow's Wellness Center